Sunday, April 22, 2012

Here are my words

There are so many thoughts going on in my mind.
I wish for someone who will find me unforgettable,
That will be complete on his own, every gap filled with the glory of God.
If all the love I have ever spent on those that have hurt me, that I have hurt,
It's a cost I must pay, I hope he knows its a price well-paid.

For all the alone times I've spent trying to figure out how this skin I'm in fits,
All the tears I've shed for the price I thought was too great.
All the seasons the Lord has brought me through to take me where I am suppose to be.

Here are my words. They aren't much, might travel around the globe,
But here they are.
I've spoken them on many bathroom floors,
chanted them on my knees
reworded, edited, rephrased, written, wiped out.
still here are my words,
Said in prayers,
sang in my song,
here are my words,
On the tip of my tongue on the edge of my lips,
here are my words and they have their own beat,
here are my words spoken in a moment's panic,
in my space of desolation and lacking.
Here are my words Father, as they have always been.

Love. Hurt. Wait. Long. Live. Laugh. Love. Wait. You. Love. God. Help. Love. Eat. Breathe. Love. Walk. Run to me. Love Hurry. No. Love. Wait. Wherever you are. Love. Hear me.

© Laura Jenoure  2012

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